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Hide who you are so they can't see your vulnerable side.

Hide your beauty so you know how they act when you have flaws.

"I hate it!"

I hate this so much. I get up everyday, and it's the same nonsense.

I go through it all. Wake up, go to the hell hole. Get bullied, cry. And come home wishing I could show them who I really am. What I really look like.

"But you can't, Adeline. And you know that." The only person I have to talk to is myself,

Sad. I know.


"Let me go, Easton."

"Why won't you let me in?" He yells back to me, tighten his hold on my arms.

"I said to let me go."

"Tell me why first!"

I sigh in defeat, shaking out of his grasp. "You're a bully, Easton. And you know it. You only want me when we're alone."

"Why do you think that, Addy? Let me know."

"I see it everyday." I shrug, walking away from him.

Pausing in my tracks, I laugh silently to myself before looking back to him.

Your vulnerability shows, Adeline. No matter what, you'll always be you.

I talk about not showing but yet I'm the same either way.

At home: I'm shy, but I'm in my own skin.
At school: also shy, but I don't show what I have to offer.

"Adeline-" Easton reaches out for me and I brush him off.

"I've said it before. You're a very fake person, Easton. The fakest of them all."
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