Read Stories Herlena Leafe: A Magical Year - TeenFic.Net




Herlena Leafe: A Magical Year

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This is the story about Herlena Leafe, a bullied girl who gets accepted to Hogwarts and sees all kind of things! Good and bad. She meets difficult tasks, weird creatures and the most amazing times! But there is something brewing up... A lot of evil awaits for her. What is that? Guess you'll have to read Herlena Leafe: A Magical Year for a start!

A Magical Year for an 11-year-old girl and many years to come! This story takes place at Hogwarts and surroundings (for the biggest part) and goes through the magic that our goddess J.K. Rowling has put out for us!

Here I want to say that I do not own any of the rights to anything that gets spoken off about Hogwarts and its surroundings. All rights go to J.K.R.
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