Hello Kitty Happy Birthday

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Hello Kitty was very excited because tommorow was her birthday!
As she tucked into her bed, Hello Kitty thought about her party the next day and how fun it would be to see all of her friends and celebrate.
The next morning, Hello Kitty woke up bright and early. In the kitchen, Mama was making a cake for the party .It was going to be vanilla with banana cream in the middle and chocolate frosting on top. Hello Kitty asked mama if she needed any help. Mama said she could help stir together the butter and cocao for the frosting. Don't forger the sugar!
Hello Kitty looked at the list of things she needed to do before the guests started to arrive.
*make the goody bags
*set the table with the happy Birthday things
*arrange the chair for musical chairs and glasses
*make grape punch
*blow up the balloons
*find the camera
Hello Kitty still needed to find her camera so that she could take a picture of the party for grandma and grandpa.
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