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He's a Regular

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"Sorry, I'm.. too dedicated to my academics."
My eyes flickered up to glance at his for a split second, and I noticed Noah's eyes sparkle as he studied me. "You date Riley," he countered.
"With no attachments."
"But if you dated me it would be different?"
"Different as in I couldn't stand to look at you for more than 32 seconds?"
"That's not what your stare says every day I come in."
"Glad to know I'm the first person you look for upon your daily entrance."
"Glad to see you." he smiled softly.


Jane Ember Jackson will turn 18 at the beginning of her senior year, but first she'll have to survive a summer with one of Cross Hill's most flawlessly gorgeous playboys. While dating the small town's wealthiest asshole, Jane is subtly pursued by the charming regular in their local cafe she hustles around every day, desperately saving for college and helping her aunt pay for their rent.

Noah Nicolas Weatherly just finished his last year of high school and is looking forward to his undecided future and a summer of fun. His favorite pastime, though, is settling himself into an empty booth and clutching a warm mug of coffee at the local cafe as he watches the shockingly pretty and reserved blonde waitress bustle around the restaurant and crack smiles at the usual customers who come and go.
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