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Hawkins Unraveling

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Juniper "June" Jennings is certain of a lot of things. Strawberry Twizzlers are the greatest candy ever invented. Dungeons and Dragons lore is fascinating, even if it's entirely terrifying when it comes to life. "Cool June" would never struggle to fit in like Real June does. Her crush on Steve Harrington has never truly gone away even after two years, but it will likely never be returned.

But then there are things June isn't sure about. Maybe not everything about herself is awful. Maybe Eddie Munson gets her in a way no one else does, or maybe Steve finally gets her in the ways she's always wanted. Maybe the Upside Down can be stopped for good, or maybe its horrors will continue to rip Hawkins apart.

Strangers Things X OC
Stranger Things Season 4 Timeline
Mostly Canon, Some Canon Divergence
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