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Hated by my mate

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Pevo turned away, his jaw clenched in bitterness, refusing to meet Jace's gaze. "You made your choice, Pevo . You aligned yourself clearly."

"Because of you!" Pevo's voice slashed through the air, dripping with the anguish of shattered dreams. "Do you think I desired this bloodshed? Do you think I didn't yearn for us to be together?"

Jace advanced, his steps deliberate, his voice a hoarse whisper laden with raw emotion. "I loved you, Pevo. That was my gravest mistake."

Pevo finally turned, his eyes piercing Jace's that blue eyes that always melted his soul but now only two emotions hung, hatred and longing. "I never wished for any of this, Jace. But fate demands it. You must pay with your life."
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