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Happy poetry

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i'm still shite at writing poetry but this time it's reading order
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✎Watcher, Listener, Seeker

✎Watcher, Listener, Seeker

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︵‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿︵And then there were three.My first fanfic, so it's terribleCover by mealso #Give_Pearl_the_love_she_deserves------⋅✉⋅------…

The Better Side Of Lackadaisy

The Better Side Of Lackadaisy

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~Camp half Blood~

~Camp half Blood~

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This is the First Season Aka based on Percy Jackson the First Book (the Lightning Thief) Note i do not own most of the Storyline nor the Characters This is Based On Rick Rordians Book Trilogy Percy Jackson anyways here are Important Characters in This Book also this will later be a Nico di Angelo X Reader Later Sophia BrownsPercy Jackson Annabeth ChaseDaphne MüllerGrover Underwood Luke Castellan Hades Chiron Kronos…



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加拿大卡毕兰诺大学留学未能正常毕业《Q微1954 292 140》《怎么购买卡毕兰诺大学毕业证书》,论文未通过,毕业证得了diploma,成绩单或毕业证遗失,护照签证时间不足,护照签证遗失,前置学历问题,学校不被认可?我们主要项目有:美国毕业证办理,英国毕业证办理,加拿大毕业证办理,澳洲毕业证办理,德国文凭,(高仿文凭样本展示《加拿大文凭证书英文开除卡毕兰诺大学毕业证书》【Q/微1954292140】《在线制作卡毕兰诺大学成绩单修改》)法国文凭,新西兰文凭,新加坡文凭,马来西亚文凭等国大学文凭制作,如果那您有需要希望你与我们联系。《怎么购买卡毕兰诺大学毕业证书》文凭学历证书办理流程《Q微1954292140》:1、客户提供办理信息:姓名、生日、专业、学位、毕业时间等(如信息不确定可以咨询顾问:微信1954292140我们有专业老师帮你查询);2、客户付定金下单;3、公司确认到账转制作点做电子图;4、电子图做好发给客户确认;5、电子图确认好转成品部做成品;6、成品做好拍照或者视频确认再付余款;7、快递给客户(国内顺丰,国外DHL)。真实网上可查的证明材料1 #教育部学历学位认证《加拿大文凭证书英文开除卡毕兰诺大学毕业证书》【Q/微1954292140】《在线制作卡毕兰诺大学成绩单修改》留服官网真实存档可查,永久存档。2 #留学回国人员证明(使馆认证)《Capilano毕业证书怎么购买》【Q/微1954292140】《开除卡毕兰诺大学毕业证认证文凭证书英文》使馆网站真实存档可查。真实可查留信认证的作用(私企,外企,荣誉的见证):1:该专业认证可证明留学生真实留学身份《Capilano成绩单修改卡毕兰诺大学文凭证书英文在线制作》【Q/微1954292140】《开除Capilano毕…



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A man name tanji is the last samurai and want to take revenge because the demons kill he's mother…

How to let go

How to let go

13 0 10

Zelda is having a bad day. It had been a series of very bad days, actually. She has just moved to Paris, the world capital of croque-monsieur, to escape everything that has gone wrong with her life lately, the disaster that is her marriage and the loss of a parent just to name a few. As the badass HR manager of a top-tier consulting firm, she is tasked with the mission to clean up the Parisian office, i.e. fire everyone.What Zelda really doesn't need, on top of being insomniac and enduring boring Tinder dates, is handling Jake, a twenty-two-year-old new intern whose mind is set on showing up late every day and not getting any work done.He thinks she's an obnoxious robot, she thinks he's an insolent pain in her neck, they both keep secrets no one in the office can know about... Clearly, they did not get off on the right foot.How To Let Go is a witty, warm and thoroughly fun take on how one can discover love where it's the least expected.…

عضوهـه تاسعة في ستراي كيدز !! || !! Ninth Member Of Stray Kids

عضوهـه تاسعة في ستراي كيدز !! || !! Ninth Member Of Stray Kids

3,570 144 11

زُوي فتاة كَان حُلمها أن تُصبح أيدولاً في شَركةِ "جيوايبي" للتَرفيه كَان بالنسبةِ لها كالحُلم الذِي لَن يَحدث ابداً في حَياتها لكن ربمًا بدأت بِتحقيقِ هَذا الحُلم رُبما تَندمُ فِي نهايةِ المَطاف ،، كَانت تتمنى أن تُكون فِرقتها الخاصه ولَكن كَان جيوايبي لهُ رأيٌ أخرٌ ودَخلت فرقة الفتيان"ستراي كيدز" ومن هُنا بدأت مغامرات زوي مع الحَياة وتعرفها على أشيَاءَ كثيره ..! مَاذَا هَل أنَا فِي حُلم؟ فالوَاقع ..أظنُ انَ هَذا الحُلم بَدأيَتحقق عَلى مَا أظُن ..(الروايه باللهجه العاميه فقط البداية بالفصحى)البدايه كانت في : 18 - 6 - 2023النهايه : ?????**الغلاف من صنعي!!!**…

Percabeth one-shots

Percabeth one-shots

0 0 1

Some cute Percabeth fluff, other Percy Jackson ships fluff, and random one-shots.DISCLAIMER: These characters featured in this book do not belong to me. They belong to Rick Riordan, author of the Percy Jackson series and Heroes of Olympus series…

The school of wielders

The school of wielders

57 0 20

In a school where security is lacking, teachers don't care and parents are curiously not in the picture, a prophecy needs to be interpreted.Do not read if you expect logic and cohesiveness. This is purely a tribute to the books that inspired me to grow.Consider this as a compilation of scenes you go back to read in your books rather than a complete story. This story is based on an A.I prompt. Take it with a pinch of salt. Enjoy the story without thinking too much about logic as I promise there are plot holes as this isn't an evenly paced story but rather a chronological compilation of scenes.…



6 2 2

· . ⋆ · ━━━ cobra kai  · . ⋆ · ━━━ miguel diaz x fem oc! season one- season 6 in which the school's loser falls for the popular girl, with the help of karate and confidence can he get the girl in the end or not.…