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Guiding Star

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Roman was the result of a horrible accident, her father's creation. Roman went through endless experiments which mutated her genetic materials so she was able to have multiple quirks. Scars littered her body from these tests and the only thing she got from it was her self hatred, she hated herself so much she hid her true self. She had horns, carved with floral patterns thanks to her mother trying to make her feel more natural. Her horns and scars made her hate herself so so much. No matter how many times she looked at her true self she had to hide it, she couldn't stand it.

The quirk she was born with was a 'seeing' quirk giving her the ability to see the spirits of the dead. Her father disregarded this as a quirk and more like an excuse to get out of the experiments. Her second quirk is a transform quirk, as long as she has an item of the person she can transform into them. Even add her own details to the person, flatter body, black hair, short hair, green eyes, you get the point. Her last quirk is an erase quirk, her hidden ace in her sleeve. She only used it as a last resort type thing. Because while she could erase the other person's quirk but at the expense of losing all of her own. Including her illusion and that wasn't something she was willing to lose.

With her quirks Roman helps the poor, a Robin Hood figure so to speak. Her name is Liberation, helping the poor- people who could use extra cash. That was until she got recruited by the League of Villains, which would change her life forever and set things in motion. How she would meet Aizawa Shōta, who would set her life on the path of good.


Aizawa Shouta x Roman (Original Character)
Credit to cover page goes to Flame2frost @-
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