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God-Given Three Wishes

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--This is the official version--
¬The story before was the unofficial draft version¬
Having died sacrificing his life for his brother. A god is pleased with Leonidas and how he has lived his life. So he decided to grant him three wishes but each wish will have its own setbacks. Nevertheless, he decides to go through with it.
Eventually, after deciding all his wishes, he is reincarnated at a small village called Meno in the Crystal Empire. And finds out that his strength is sealed.

But what he doesn't know is that the god had sent him to a time period right before a great war that would shake the heaven and be so great that even the God could not see it coming.

Join him on his journey to becoming the strongest person in the world.

This is my first book so I don't have many hopes for it. This is to just share with people and find out what people think of my writing style.

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