Read Stories Genshin Self-Aware, Yandere, and SAGAU/Cult AU




Genshin Self-Aware, Yandere, and SAGAU/Cult AU "Oneshots"

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Various!Genshin x GN!Reader
AU's: Self-Aware, Yandere, SAGAU/Cult AU, and just a normal one. No AU's

‼️I kinda recommend starting at "Yandere!Heizou" since the parts before that are more of rambles than fics‼️

Most of these are my rambling abt Yandere and self-aware au's so most of them is not in the "story" format
Anddd most of them are also created with other fandoms involved so expect a crossover with Paralive, Enstars, and TWST

Book cover taken from Pinterest
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