Read Stories GATE X Encantadia: When the world's military fought in Encantadia - TeenFic.Net




GATE X Encantadia: When the world's military fought in Encantadia

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This is a crossover fanfic inspired by both Gate: Jieitai Kano Chi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri & Encantadia but this fanfic will be heavily focused for Encantadia, this will not follow the same story of Gate but it will feature the same concept of a portal opening in our world that leads to a fantasy world. The story will still follow the original story of encantadia the story of this fanfic will begin at Episode 41 of the 2016 tv show of encantadia, if you do not know the story of encantadia it is highly recommended to check it out before reading this fanfic

A Gate opens in the middle of Quezon City 2 groups of people with swords and abilities that seemed magical are fighting, this caught not just the attention of the Philippine Government but also the International Community as a whole. As emergency response team tried to intervened they find themselves to be in the middle of a fight between the 2 groups. It was until heavy armed intervention that has retaken control over Quezon City and secured an unknown portal leading to who knows where, as an international alliance formed by the United Nations known as the UN Task Force has been ordered to pass through the portal and secure it from the otherside and investigate what has happened little did they know that this events will put both worlds at risk
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