"The people will all be dissolved into the waters. And only the Hydro Archon will remain, weeping on her throne."
Which ending would have been better? For the prophecy to be fulfilled and for Furina to weep alone? Or is it when the people all turned on her resulting to a grander sense of solitude?
In the end, when the curtain falls, she would still remain alone behind closed curtains. Her sins served in the palette and the people shall have the final feast, marvelling on the taste of her demise. And as I watched the rolling credits one thought remains:
"Whatever shall she do now that the curtain has fallen?"
In this case Focalors had survived and fate had diverged itself to what was supposed to happen, fooling the ones on the heavens above. The true archon had returned and Furina was left confused on what she wanted to do in life, the shackles of being the actress remained etched on her heart.
The dreams of their supposed fate began showing during her sleep, of Focalors dying struck by the guillotine and Furina living in happiness as a human and it left her even more confused than she already has.
Having a soul as a friend and company, follow Furina on her journey on learning who she is while having challenges thats called the fate of the world.