Read Stories From coffee to chai (sartik insta version) - TeenFic.Net




From coffee to chai (sartik insta version)

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"Kartik, why do you call me princess ??" I asked him leaning on his shoulders.

"I don't know, maybe it's because you are from Pataudi family. Why are you asking suddenly.??

"Lair. No one calls me princess because I am a Pataudi girl ??"

"It just feels right."

"Come on Kartik, everyone princess has a power or some quality."

"Yes" he gave a monologue answer.

"Do I have long hair, am I sleeping beauty.."

"Your special power is ,you always make me blush and smile ." He said when he was so sure I won't stop until I get a answer.

"Thanks for the honest answer." I said cuddling . "I love you."

"I love you too princess" he replied after hearing my faint I love you.
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