Read Stories Forget-Me-Not (Yandere Reverse Harem x Reader) - TeenFic.Net




Forget-Me-Not (Yandere Reverse Harem x Reader)

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Winter break is over and (Y/n) (L/n) suddenly has boys fawning over her. (Y/n) is rightfully confused being that she is definitely not the preferred type of girl. She definitely doesn't let people walk all over her and everything in her life is going pretty great so why is she suddenly pushed into the role of the main character. Now, what if I told you that the boys aren't just fawning over her they are obsessed with her and will do anything for her. Now, who will (Y/n) choose? The rich student council president? Her bubbly co-worker? The classic womanizer of the school? The bad boy of the school who she now has to tutor? The guy she talks to on occasion? Or her best friend's older brother? That is up to you to decide.
"I have loved you for years now! Why won't you notice me!"

"You are so pretty, just stay with me forever."

"I can give you anything you want all I need in return is your love."

"You give me a nice warm feeling! Wait don't leave I like this feeling!"

"I can easily overpower you so I wouldn't recommend moving."

"You're so nice to my sister can you be even better for me?"
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