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Forbidden―N. Mikaelson

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Cupids are angels (which are immortal beings) that make other people fall in love, and are even sometimes there to oversee relationships―they are the judges of love. They decide how it starts, and how it ends. They literally go to school for it, along with other "angels-in-training". And there are rules and laws of all different kinds of angels, but for Cupids, there is one that especially stands out. While they make people fall in love, they can never do so themselves.

For Aziza Corentin Valentine-Sephtisi, that's always been relatively easy. Start the task, complete the task, then on to the next job. It's not like anyone would fall for her, anyways. She's not your typical happy-go-lucky goody two-shoes Cupid, as most people would assume them to be. She hates her job, and she only accepted because it's the lesser of two evil―either make people fall in love or get sent to Hell, where she would probably be subject to brutal torture and endless suffering. When she is sent to New Orleans to orchestrate the next spark in the rather spectacularly dull love life of one Elijah Mikaelson, she finds herself with a strange pull towards his brother, Klaus, and quickly becomes ensnared in the goings-on of his complicated life.

Well, it's not like she's full angel. What's wrong with a little forbidden love?
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