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Follow Your Head

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Every culture has their own stories about the world's creation and all the weird, unexplaniable things that happen in it. Before the earth was even created, there was a being. She could be cold and ruthless yet magnificent. She went by Snow. Snow got bored one day so she helped create the world and everything in it. Snow soon got lonely of ruling a repetive planet so she found three other beings to help her pass the time. One was her younger sister, Summer. The other two came much later, Dylan and Grant. She gifted them some of her power, letting themlive through the years by her side.

Millenea later, in the years the humans called 'the 2000's', things grew complicated. Years of being around humans and supressing her power had left Snow weak of both power and mind. New ememies emerged, dieties long dead resurfaced, and tension between the three streached thin. With her time running out, how many can she truly save and how many will die by her hand?
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