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fluffy - axel x mark

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i know everyone is in jr high but i've aged them up to like 17/18 because it would be kind of weird for them to be 13/14 for me :)

mark evans is openly gay. everyone knows about his sexuality, and he is extremely confident in his sexuality. everyone around him have always been super accepting, so he's never had to worry about it.

the second mark saw axel he knew he wanted him. but did axel feel the same way? did he even like men? he was extremely mysterious. and kind of a dickhead.

as they keep winning, axel and mark grow closer and closer. is this bond they feel more than friendship?

and is there someone who is willing to get in the way of that?

(this fanfic takes place over season 1 and the soccer frontier tournament)

Started - July 2021
Finished - December 2023
List of Chapter
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