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Harry is broken. Broken by years of war and abuse. Broken by the burden of unwanted fame and the heavy price that came with it, and he's not sure how much longer he'll be able to take it. That is, until he finds Draco Malfoy, bruised and battered in a compartment on the train back to Hogwarts.
Suddenly Harry has a reason to live again. Their friendship blossoms into something more and life starts to seem less impossible. When their love for each other is tested and the world tries to tear them apart, they struggle for their right to a happy ending.

This is my first story on Wattpad and only the second book I have ever finished. I've poured my heart and soul into this, and only hope that you find it as rewarding to read as it was to write.
The idea for this book came from @I'veBeenMade and all characters (for the most part) belong to JK Rowling.
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