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Finding Home (Zuko's Love Story)

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Meka is a water bender but she doesn't live with water benders. She was found alone when she was five by a group of gypsies. They were a group who gather together because the fire benders destroyed their homes. Hana took care of Meka as if she was her little sister. Meka learned on her own on how to bend water as perfectly as she could. Hana soon fell in love with a fire bender but wouldn't dare tell the others since they hate firebenders. As they started to travel again Hana was found pregnant and told the group it was an earth bender that she fell in love. Hana dies gave birth to a boy named Mikoto. Meka just turned ten but raised him as her own as how Hana wanted for him to be raised but when Mikoto turned 6 he accidentally burned another kid when he was getting bullied. When they banned Mikoto, Meka clearly went with him not caring if he was a firebender. Mikoto was Meka's baby boy.

Zuko and Iroh found a boy run to their camp with tears in his eyes begging for them to save his mother. As Zuko went to help what he expected was an older women, found a girl about his age with beautiful long silver hair. After saving her Meka begged that they teach Mikoto how to firebend. After accepting they started to travel together. When Zuko starts to fall in love with her what would he do when he finds out she's a water bender. Follow their journey as they travel around and try to save the world.
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