Read Stories Finally Left. - DreamSMP highschool AU. - Dream and Tubbo brother AU. - TeenFic.Net




Finally Left. - DreamSMP highschool AU. - Dream and Tubbo brother AU.

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Aight, so I have been posting this book on AO3 aswell- it's under the same user so if you see it there, it's mine! :D

Alright than! This is an angsty story I am presenting. I got bored at 4am again- I changed the story 4 times- 🥲 Let's hope I can finish an chapter before I change it again-

This book will be about Dream and Tubbo being brothers with their dad being JSchlat. They are in highschool.

Tubbo/Ranboo/Tommy are 15. Jschlat/Phil are 40/45 and the rest is around 17/18.

My native language isn't English so I'm sorry if there are any mistakes. Also, if there are trigger warnings I will put them at the beginning of the chapters! I hope you enjoy this trash book! :D

This story will have slow updates-
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