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Felicity Stark **Discontinued**

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Felicity Smoak had a secret that no one knew about not even Oliver Queen she was secretly the Genius, Billionaire, playboy, philanthropist's daughter, Tony Stark was never considered a father figure of any kind but when one of his ex-lovers drop felicity literally on the doorstep of Stark Tower the billionaire's heart melted at the sight of her she was then known as the daughter of Tony Stark and Pepper Potts she was Felicity Meghan Stark-Potts she was known worldwide as Iron-man's heir she had his witts, smarts, and sarcasm as well as her mother's loving, sweet and strong independence characteristics she was a genius and outdid her father's wealth and smarts by the age of seventeen but one day something happened ripping her perfect life away leaving her with no other choice but seeking out a fresh start as Oliver Queen's IT girl and partner in crime.

Now it's time for the present to meet the past

I don't own any of the characters!
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