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Fear of a Name

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Ivory Ferali Riddle hasn't had a normal upbringing, even for a witch. Born to Lord Voldemort and Bellatrix Lestrange, all she has known is hatred and pain. Then, after thirteen years of fear, she is finally allowed to go to Hogwarts. Will she get a happily ever after, or will her world crumble as people start to discover the truth?


Despite what people's reading lists may have led you to believe, this is NOT a Draco Malfoy fic!!! Draco has about the same size of a role in this as he does in canon. (Also, to those of you shipping Ivory with Draco: can you not, they're literally cousins.)


Mandatory disclaimer: the wizarding world and the characters, locations, plots, etc associated with it are the work of JK Rowling. If they were mine, I can almost guarantee I would have better things to do than to be writing terrible fanfictions on Wattpad
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