Read Stories Fangs || Sunki [√] - TeenFic.Net




Fangs || Sunki [√]

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Nishimura Riki, the crowned prince were born as an attractive vampire. Kim Sunoo, also the crowned prince were born as an adorable human in the world. People fell in love by your charms, cuteness. You were very innocent face. Riki also got the same as you, being the campus crush in the school were amazing.. Girls fighting for you, and you just watch them fighting. Until, you went camping with all of your classmates and teachers. It was night and you were still awake.. the teacher told you to go get some woods with your friends and you go too tho. You both were very far and didn't realize, both of you hasn't wear a pajamas yet lucky. You turned to your side just to see your classmate..
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