Read Stories Fall In Love With Me, Dammit! - TeenFic.Net




Fall In Love With Me, Dammit!

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Michi Tomilson has always reigned as the stereotypical 'popular princess' at her school. She has flawless grades, a gorgeous figure, and charisma that makes every single guy swoon. On the outside she seems like a darling, but, unknown to her classmates, Michi is actually a proclaimed "she-demon" by her only genuinely (and grudgingly) accepted friend, Cinna Arakawa. He remains as the sole person who knows of Michi's secret quest of becoming the beloved of every single boy in her school, and of her cherished journal where she details her successes. At the end of her freshman year, she finally achieves it and prepares to dash into the next year, awaiting the love she previously won over.

Yet, Michi's accomplishment is suddenly thrown askew when a transfer student enters the picture and completely rejects her. Determined to win over his affection, Michi embarks on a classic school girl mission to make the mysteriously hard-to-get transfer student love her already, dammit!
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