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Faking It (KamiDeku)

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Izuku Midoriya was getting fed up. Fed up with what, you may ask? Fed up with the endless flirting. No matter how many times he'd tell people he wasn't interested, they'd keep trying.

One day, he was quite literally running from those exact people, when he stumbled into Denki Kaminari's dorm room. They end up talking about Izuku's current situation and Kaminari offers a solution.

Fake dating.

Izuku hesitantly agrees, just wanting to put a stop, or at least an obstacle, to all the relentless flirting and harassment.

What happens when it stops feeling fake?

Especially when Kaminari seems to be keeping more secrets than he can afford.


"Honestly, with the detemination both of them seem to have, I don't think they'll give up until you finally start dating someone else or them." Kaminari joked.

But he wasn't wrong.

Izuku dragged his hands through his hair in exasperation. "I know that! But I don't want to date anyone right now, there's just to much going on to add dating on top of it." He whined.

"Why don't you just fake-date someone?" Kaminari suggested. He was honestly just worried for the green haired boy's safety at this point.

"But who would even agree to that?" He asked back.

Kaminari thought for a moment. Then he shrugged and said, "I would."
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