Read Stories Fairy Tail ~The Future Flame~ - TeenFic.Net




Fairy Tail ~The Future Flame~

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Dark Magic


All of it, remains in my mind, cuz I remember that fate full day... The place where I call home, the place where I met my families, the place where I can be myself... Are gone, all my family members were died that day... A place that once a peaceful city... Suddenly became a one havoc city. Fires' and dead bodies everwhere, people fighting each other for their love one who died. To get some revenge, from the one who attack them. Killed the people they love in front of their very own eyes, protect their love one who still alive... Sacrifice their life, being killed... They died in honored. The people who still alive from the war, continue their lives, moving on about their loves one died... But some of them, killed themselves just because they said they want to see them again... 7th July X793... The date where everything started to change"
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