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↠Everything I Never Said↞

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She laid on her bed staring up at the ceiling, trying to hold back the tears that wanted to fall down her face.

Memories of their last conversation kept invading her thoughts and she thought,

"I could write a fucking novel about the ache of missing you."


This is everything I never said to him.

I loved him so much I let him tear me apart.


If you are currently going through a break up and you're hurt, or if you've been heartbroken before, or in love.
You could probably relate to what's in this book.

I'm writing this to cope with everything that has happened, and then again, maybe I'm not alone after all, if you feel the same way about someone you love or have loved before. You are just like me...

Snapchat: ScarlettParton

©Copyright By: ScarlettParton
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