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England x Reader

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(Y/n) was a small, weak, little country located right next to England. Her and England were best friends and England promised (Y/n) that nothing bad was ever going to happen to her so (Y/n) never had to be strong because England was always there to protect her. When Turkey invaded (Y/n) England made sure to get his army ready and took Turkey down without any trouble. (Y/n) did feel very guilty though when England would get invaded by France and Spain and (Y/n) could do nothing but watch from afar. She wanted to help her best friend like he had helped her but England wouldn't allow (Y/n) to get a single scratch on her plus she didn't really have anything to offer since most of her army was from England anyway, and her guns and artillery were old and outdated. Yet she still tried to help as much as she could. Her farmland was the best of the best and she had lots of jewels in the ground that she mined and gave to England. It was always hard, hard work but it was the least she could do.

That was until World War Two came around...
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