Read Stories Enclosed Love and riddles ( The Maze Runner Fanfiction ) - TeenFic.Net




Enclosed Love and riddles ( The Maze Runner Fanfiction )

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It was a foggy night at the glade. The sound of the box arriving echoed through the whole glade. Everyone rushed to The box and to their shock, it was their first ever girl. A few hours later, another girl , named Bethany, arrives, and she finds a connection with Newt. Bethany has a paper in her jeans pocket. It's not an ordinary paper though. It has a riddle on it. Riddles start being found everywhere since that day. Bethany and Newt struggle to find a bond with each other, but a new bond is created along the way, a much stronger bond. Could it be love? Will their love be impossible in the glade? Will they be able to be a normal couple whilst they are surrounded by an insolvable maze? Will they ever find a way out together? Or will their love crash and break into a million pieces?
A riddle-filled, Romantic, cliff-hanger book that puts you on the edge of your chair <3
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