Read Stories Empire Day ✓ - TeenFic.Net




Empire Day ✓

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1st place: Star Wars Fanfiction Awards

Luke Skywalker is turning 8 in just a few days on Empire Day. Unfortunately, the Empire has ordered a galaxy-wide census on Empire Day. Instead of heading to the pod races, like his Uncle Owen had promised him, the Lars family heads to Mos Eisley to be counted in the census. Complications ensue when Luke runs in front of a landspeeder. The Emperor's henchman, Darth Vader, is not pleased about the disturbance and takes matters into his own hands. A Fan Reboot story of reunion and redemption.

1st place: The Crayon Awards Fanfiction (all fandoms)
2nd place: Royalty Awards Fanfiction (all fandoms)
4th place: The Elimination Awards General Fiction July 2017
5th place for Best Tear Jerker (all genres): Crystal Awards

Vader stiffened when he saw her face. He knew her. Beru. Vader knelt down next to her, using his cape to quell the bleeding from the boy's arm. Vader looked at the boy through his red lenses, sensing something he had never felt before. He should know this boy. He felt a connection.
Owen broke past the stormtroopers who were now guarding the door to the headquarters, but they detained him before he reached Vader. "Let go of me. That's my son! Let go of me." Owen broke free and ran toward Vader.
Vader turned just as Owen reached him, grabbing him with the Force by his neck and lifting Owen above him. Vader recognized him. "You!" Vader yelled. Something within Vader caused him to look back at the boy, and then to both Owen and Beru. There was no way that boy was theirs. There was no similarity. "You lie!"
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