Read Stories Ellanoir - TeenFic.Net

Short Story




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~~This is a short story that I had intended to publish along with other short stories but I decided that it deserved its own moment.~~
Areli Jade Cohen was broken by her sister's death. Ellanoir had always been there for her just as she had been there for Ellanoir. She had always been her sister's protector and companion. She and Ellanoir had been there for each other through thick and thin, through storms and sunshine. Everything feels wrong and off-kilter with Ellanoir gone. Areli hopes it's just a bad dream but Ellanoir's cold hand feels too real for it to just be a dream.
~Sneak Peek~
A loud, long beep sounded. It continued and nurses and doctors started rushing all around me in a frenzy. I tried to keep still and out of their way, my own face matching my sister's due to panic. I looked up at the monitor rearing the worst. The straight line on the monitor seemed to cement me in place. No. Nononononono. This can't be happening. She's too bright to die. She can't be taken away! Only 23 with a long, bright future ahead of her. My bright angel-like sister, with her strange knowledge of the future, couldn't be gone. I was praying to a god I had no knowledge of for her to come back.
I welcome constructive criticism but please remember I'm a human with feelings as well.
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