Read Stories Elisabeth Snape & the Golden Boy (A Harry Potter Fanfic) - TeenFic.Net




Elisabeth Snape & the Golden Boy (A Harry Potter Fanfic)

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"She was the perfect Slytherin girl, luxurious and intelligent and the darling of every pureblood. Yet she was above blood status- one thing he enjoyed about her. He knew she was raised to despise blood traitors and yet she never hated others because of it. She was maybe a bit mischevious and could get cruel quick if provoked, but her default remained kind." Harry's thoughts not mine

Good grammar, spaces between paragraphs, characters not being ruined, not word-for-word HP with slight changes, and most importantly, slow burn. If you're looking for a good (almost) finished HP fanfic, then definitely give this one a read.

Elisabeth- or Lisa- Snape has been taught since the day she was born that she and her soon to be Slytherin friends were above blood traitors and muggle-borns. It seemed obvious this would mean she would have to hate anything Gryffindor. As she progresses through her years at Hogwarts, she realizes maybe that House isn't all about recklessness and zero manners... maybe the king of Gryffindor and the one she was supposed to be 100% against wasn't as stupid as he looked and acted.
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