Read Stories DREAMS - TeenFic.Net





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Amaryllis Hastings dreamed of becoming a dancer instead of being a lawyer. After many failed attempt her mother made her promise that she would give up dancing for college,if she fails to enter the WILLOW DANCE ACADEMY (WDA). Ama believed that she would not fail,but what happens when she does fail?

An accident is what. And the said 'Accident' lead to her own dreams with the help of someone she didn't even know. But as we all know, everything always come with a price.


When Bruce Wayne saw the red haired beauty lying on the pavement drunk and passed out,he knew that she was his to keep,so he made her an offer for what he knew she craved the most. An admission into WDA. Not only did he want to change her completely,but he also want to help his daughter achieve her dreams of wanting a mother.

They all have dreams,but then will they come through?
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