Read Stories Derrick + Miles : SEASON 2 (boyxboy) - TeenFic.Net

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Derrick + Miles : SEASON 2 (boyxboy)

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Season 2 of Derrick + Miles is here.

Did Miles die?

Did Lavinius go to jail?

All your questions and more will be answered when you read Derrick + Miles: Season 2.

Join me as we continue our journey with our friends Derrick, Miles, Keldric, Troy, Sean, Marissa, Garrett, Dylan, Micah, Evan, Adrian, Kristian, Brad, Natalia, Lacy, Damion, Tricia, Roland, Tori, Milan, Brian, Brenda, Louise, Selita, Steve, Ronald, Jess, Roy, Eve, George, and more.

There are also new characters coming in so be prepared for what they have to offer.
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