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Dawn Of Heroes

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I told myself that this was for the best, if I died then my parents would be safe. They wouldn't be hated for having a child who had this "Disease" that made them different than other normal humans. I edged closer to the ledge and slowly climbed on top. I looked down staring at the cars that now looked like ants, scurrying along the streets. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, letting my body lean forward until I felt my feet leave the ground. For a brief moment air rushed past me, then I realized that I had stopped falling. I opened my eyes slowly and turned my head staring at a man dressed in all black with startling blue eyes and long black hair the was cut just above his shoulders. His hand was latched onto the ledge of the building and his other hand was wrapped around my brown parka jacket. Suddenly he lifted me up, grunting slightly, and tossed me over onto the building. I landed roughly, rolling on the gravel. I quickly stood up, raising my fists in the process.
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