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Dark Hearts

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If he was feeling particularly self-righteous, Cade would have said that it all started with him. That his birth had prompted the gears of the universe to spin wildly as its maker mastered the kinks of trouble. But Cade never much believed in fate or its working.
In reality, it all began long before the young barkeep was born during a time in which two sides of the same world clashed in an epic battle for dominance. Those who proclaimed themselves royal and lived lavishly above their servants deemed themselves 'good' and deserved the crowns of leadership. And those who festered in the shadows with words of unknown languages on their tongues and ideas manifested around their terrain were considered 'badl' and therefore dangerous. As sides were chosen, the land began to split, hostilities grew, accusations were made. It was friend on friend, brother on brother. Until the era of purity when the forces of evil were vanquished and granted the mercy of their lives separated from the untainted half.
Now the people live separated by their distinct choice of actions and personality, with or without an opinion in the matter. Those who stand proudly as the mascots for the 'good' believe that peace roams throughout the land, created by their deeds of segregation. What they fail to acknowledge are the riots occurring along the border- physically and mentally- of evil and pure. Cade, an orphan bartender who lives his life as if tomorrow will be his last, finds himself caught up in the middle of an uprising that bears the flags of war. Destiny, fate, karma, whichever someone chooses to follow are irrelevant in his mind but the increasing coincidences Cade meets along his journey pile up until he has no choice but to ponder the idea.
Trust is broken, dreams are twisted, reality is shattered, beliefs are questioned, nothing is as it seems and Cade is left wondering about the idea that started it all.
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