This is the psychopathic story of a man who's past was so deep, it'd end up killing him helplessly. His past being so belittled in the deranged information, he wasn't even sure how to save himself from falling. This sick, twisted, erotic man was not human. Not normal. He was something now evil, making him so insane, it drove himself into the unnatural state of mind where the thought of indenting inflicted pain onto innocent young Woman; Aubrey; was a sick, yet, beautiful way in getting him off. Meet Harry Styles.. The dangerous punk man with the uncontrolled want for sex and .. Of course, death. "Your cries thrill me-So tempting, so.. Willing" RANKED: #36 Spiritual // #69 Adventure © 2014. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. THIS WORK CONTAINS MATERIAL PROTECTED UNDER INTERNATIONAL AND FEDERAL COPYRIGHT LAWS AND TREATIES. NO PART OF THIS WORK MAY BE REPRODUCED OR TRANSMITTED IN ANY FORM OR BY ANY MEANS WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM xHARRYsHARDX