Read Stories Dangerous - TeenFic.Net





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"Sweetheart, I don't appreciate when people talk back to me."
This time I succeed in keeping quiet.
"You'll learn to respect me and as my property, you'll do whatever I tell you to do. Do you understand?"
"What if I refuse?" Stupid mouth.
He takes a few steps closer to me so I can feel his scent. He smirks and strokes my cheek before he says "Sweetheart, don't do it. You wouldn't like the consequences."


Nichole Vintali is a normal girl with a normal life who lives in a small town in Italy.
But that's about to change when she's forced to marry Vincent Giovanni.

Vincent Giovanni is powerful, feared, cold hearted and ruthless. He owns several well known companies and he's also the leader of the Giovanni-mafia.

What will happen when these two different persons live under the same roof?
Arguments, fights, failed escapes, guns and maybe love? Just maybe.

This book needs a lot of editing so read at your own risk.
A really cliche mafia story.
Contains violence, sex and a language suited for adults. Enjoy your reading!
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