Read Stories Daisan no Isekai: The Quartet (Isekai Quartet x Tensura) - TeenFic.Net




Daisan no Isekai: The Quartet (Isekai Quartet x Tensura)

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The primary cast of Isekai Quartet find themselves in yet another new world. A botched summoning in another world goes berserk and the entire class, bar some exceptions who weren't present at the time, get caught up in the summoning circle and are all, once again, pulled from existence.

Note (just in case): This is a fanfiction set in both the world of and during the events of Tensura (That time I got Reincarnated as a Slime) after S2 of the anime. Although the story written will mostly be original content, it will contain and cover canon events that happen in the original story of Tensura (of which, full credit goes to Fuse-Sensei) but containing the characters from Youjo Senki, Overlord, Konosuba and Re-Zero (i.e. The focal cast from Isekai Quartet).

I may end up editing chapters if I feel as though something isn't quite correct so while I definitely don't plan on changing anything significant, I shall apologize in advance for in case I do so
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