Read Stories ☆ CREPUSCULAR ☆ |SUPERMAN & LOIS| - TeenFic.Net





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☆ Definition of ☆ CREPUSCULAR ☆

1 : Of, relating to, or resembling twilight : dim Crepuscular light the Crepuscular sky.

2 : Occurring or active during twilight : Crepuscular activity, Crepuscular birds.


""" No person is your family who demands your silence, or denies your right to grow.""" ~ UNKNOWN


When Jonathan first arrived in SmallVille crows screamed along the horizon, Jonathan put it down to the ominous atmosphere caused by Martha Kent's sudden death.

"I gave up everything for you my home, my career, everything I ever knew and your still asking more of me ... I don't know if I have more to give at this point" - JONATHAN KENT

When Jonathan first met Finley he thought he had mistaken him for a shadow so gaunt and dark that he almost shank back in Jonathan's mind, appearing only as a harsh apparition in his peripheral vision.

"I don't believe I'm obliged to give you that piece of information about myself" - FINLEY (REDACTED)

"So you've just been listening in this whole time ... Jesus Christ Dad" - JONATHAN KENT


Or ...

When Jonathan Kent finds a missing boy, Lois is in more danger then Superman, Clark obtains hope and Jordan grapples with his need to be the most supportive brother in the world while balancing his developing superpowers.

In more simple words, it's a family drama.


☆ Takes place during season 1 of 'SUPERMAN & LOIS'

☆ With some diversion to the original plot & characters.

© ~ @wannabefangirl98
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