Read Stories Clypeus - TeenFic.Net





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"Why do you always wear this mask? You look no less than a cliché criminal."

"Atleast it lets you not fall for my handsome face. I know you won't be able to resist making your heart respond to my beauty."

"That's what your cool foolish brain suggests you mister. I'm not that easy going. Mind it."

"I'll call you my femme fatale."


"You're dangerously ugly."

"Yah you Mr.- wait. What's your name?"


In which a girl who never imagined to have a real boyfriend just because she had trust issues, meets a masked guy who becomes the shield of her ethics and treks.


Cover by Xerophthalmia



#🥈 in Lachimolala Awards 2021
#🥉 in Mikrokosmos Awards
#🥈 in The Magic Swan Awards
#🥉 in Mixtape Aye BTS Awards
#🥇 in Blue and grey Awards
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