Read Stories Class 1A Groupchat - TeenFic.Net




Class 1A Groupchat

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Class 1A Groupchat One-Shots.

-Some one-shots will have the characters aged up.

-There will tend to be different ships in each chapter. For example one will have KiriBaku while the next will BakuDeku, etc.

-Characters are a bit more oc than id like but I hope you'll still enjoy reading this. I try to make them at least a little like their canon self but that isn't usually how it ends up.

-I started writing these in December 2020 and just decided to start posting them here cause why not I guess, so some of them may be incredibly cringy. Correction, will be incredibly cringy so sorry about that.

-Feel free to request ones you want me to make, and I will try to oblige.

-I originally write these in Wit and then post them there, and I also post them on YouTube with added audio so if you want to know my accounts on those just ask, and I'll let you know.

Bnha and most of the images I use do not belong to me.
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