Read Stories Child of the stars {ROTTMNT fanfic} - TeenFic.Net




Child of the stars {ROTTMNT fanfic}

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Everything seems quaint in this town of New York, but there seems to be much more going on than what meets the eye. Well other than mutants rampaging the streets... I'm talking about something more divine. Will they help out with the city's troubles, and heal the open wounds of others? nope cause this divine source is two years old and in the care of teenage mutant turtles.

god im nervous cause this is the first fanfic im actually putting out for human consumption

This is a found family fic lol so yea, let me know if any of the characters are OOC, also this first chapter takes place in the middle-ish of season 1 and will work up to around season 2 as the chapters go by. this will mostly be one-shot scenarios but plot will be sprinkled in here and there.

stuff that will be featured :
family-linked trauma mentioned
And a little bit of oc shipping but it's really minor and there's not that much of it
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