Read Stories Captain's Vigilante • Steve Rogers - TeenFic.Net




Captain's Vigilante • Steve Rogers

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"Will you help me, [Y/N]?"

"I don't do favors, Rogers. What do I get in return?"

"What do you want?"

"Now you're speaking my language, captain."


[Y/F/N] [Y/L/N] is a villain, feared, destructive, and high on the Avengers' watch list. She's classified as a major threat, too dangerous to be left alone despite being one of the more quiet ones. Unfortunately for them, she's a slippery bastard who seems to always know how to play her cards right. They never stood a chance.

After a slip-up on her part, a certain super soldier managed to track her down and got to know her better than any criminal report can. It only reminded him that the world never was so black and white.

[Takes place after CA:TWS and before AoU in an AU where Bucky stayed with Steve and became an avenger]

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