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Can You Change Me Back? [On Hold]

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Choi Minhee never liked the idea of being a damsel in distress ever since she was little. She hated the idea of waiting for her prince to save her when she got in trouble so at the age of 9 she begged her dad to let her learn multiple types of martial arts. From judo to karate to wushu to hapkido the list goes on and on. With much peseverance and years of training Minhee eventually mastered many types of martial arts and in middle school after witnessing a horrific bullying scene she started a gang which existed to protect people and teach bad guys a lesson. One night she got ambushed by 3 guys their age that seemed to belong to a gang, in the park along with her best friend, Soo Jung, when an accident occurred which made Minhee regret ever starting a gang.

She turned into an emotionless doll in front of people she's not close to except her brother, family and the servants in her house. Now that's she's moved to a new place with people who didn't know about her past can her 14 new classmates change her back to her old bubbly self or will Minhee stay emotionless forever...

[M] mainly due to the fact that there's quite a bit of swearing in the story. I can't help it I mean she's part of a gang for krisus sake. So if you're not mature enough or think this will wreck your innocence, then please go ahead and look for a more suitable fan fic.
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