Read Stories Can't Help Falling In Love (Dallas Winston x Female Reader) - TeenFic.Net




Can't Help Falling In Love (Dallas Winston x Female Reader)

47 likes / 3,514 reads
Y/n Cade has never felt love before due to her abusive parents. But being the only girl in the Curtis gang has its benefits. First of all, she gets to spend more time with her brother, Johnny, and she loves and protects the boys with all her heart. But the best of all, she gets to be closer with her best friend, Dallas Winston. But what happens when Y/n feels something for him that she's never felt before? Does Dally, the tough bad boy in town, feel the same way?

Y/n = Your name
N/n = Nickname
H/c = Hair color
H/l =Hair length
E/c = Eye color

Dallas Winston x Female Reader

DISCLAIMER: All the characters belong to SE Hinton, I own nothing!
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