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Can A Snowflakes Be Saved?

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This is the Sequel to Snowflake, My pretty little snowflake which you will need to read first in order to follow the story.
Niall had been tricked to travel to a remote area where he was kidnapped and taken to an hidden age play community. Given a regression drug , he was now in the headspace of a very new baby. His brother, Greg, is currently jailed for the supposed kidnapping and murder of Niall, but a detective has discovered things are not adding up.An attempt to get Niall and Harry out of the Community failed badly so will they remain there or is rescue possible?

This is an Ageplay story so please do not read it if it is not' your cup of tea' as the English say. Also English is not my first language and I do make mistakes so please don't be unkind .
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