Read Stories Caged - TeenFic.Net





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Elizabeth Marshall is a wanted girl. A vampire forever frozen at 17 is on the run with her family from the Community, the largest vampire community, for crimes she did not commit. If that's bad, look at her pathetic excuse for a family. Her family is the equivalent to the first family, running the second biggest vampire community, The Resistance. You would think she would help lead, bringing peace to her followers, thats wrong. Her voice has been shut out, being covered by her husband and supposed amare, Lucas. She is strong, but with Luke by her side she is not able to act. Moving to yet another location Elizabeth, who goes by the modern name Bethany, meets her true Amare. How can she be with him with an overpowering creep of a husband trying to redefine the Resistance, into more of what's wrong. She has been caged for so long, can she break through for what's right and true love? Or will she remain a Caged forever?
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