Read Stories ButterflyClan: Monarchwing's Journey - TeenFic.Net




ButterflyClan: Monarchwing's Journey

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Why have wings if you don't want to fly?

That's what Monarchwing has been wondering her whole life, ever since she was a kit. She belongs to ButterflyClan, a clan made up of cats with both wings and horns. Yet use of magic and flying are strictly prohibited. What caused that rule to be made? Why must that rule be kept at all costs, even if the alternative is death? Of course, Monarchwing doesn't follow that rule. Why would she? Nothing bad is happening because of it. She practices in secret, at a place known to only one other. So when her secret is found out, who is there to blame? Sparrowfall would never betray her. And why is it so important she is kept landbound? Monarchwing goes on a quest to find the secrets of her Clan's past, and will do whatever it takes to get her clan to touch the sky.
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