Read Stories Bravest - TeenFic.Net





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This collection of recaps is based on a game I ran for my 6 year old nephew.
A companion story to The Saulsyde Crate.

Spinney the Spider Slayer was a most heroic little leafy leshy and self proclaimed protector of Devon's Clearing and all it's inhabitants. Along with his sing-songy flower sister Lark and eager gourd-headed little brother Pepo, he protected this little corner of the world nestled nicely within Daycalm Forest. Until one fair spring morning, when a chill wind bit the air, he found a peculiar gift for his druid master, Devon, in her bedside box.... A single dead sunrose...

Our Characters...?
Spinney - Leaf Leshy Fighter/Ranger
Lark - Leaf Leshy Bard
Pepo - Gourd Leshy Barbarian
Devon - Ifrit Druidess
Alyea - Dryad
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